
AmericansForImpeachment.org was originally launched in response to the findings of the Mueller Report, which detailed multiple instances of obstruction of justice and foreign interference in U.S. elections. Since then, we have consistently advocated for Donald Trump’s impeachment—not out of partisanship, but in defense of democracy and the rule of law. We pushed for his removal following his abuse of power in his call with the President of Ukraine, we demanded accountability after the January 6th, 2021 insurrection, and now, as his second term unfolds with continued constitutional violations, we remain committed to ensuring justice prevails. Americans For Impeachment is a project of Perfect Republic, LLC—not a partisan movement, not a “radical left” initiative, and certainly not an effort driven by hate. We are patriotic Americans responding to the facts as they are reported, standing up for democracy because accountability is not partisan—it is necessary.